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Make an Investment in the Future

Providing quality of life in our communities


Your donation helps us expand opportunities and support for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities throughout the Monadnock region. The people who use our services are fellow community members: our neighbors, our coworkers, our friends, our family members.


Especially now, in this time of uncertainty and upheaval, we are ensuring that all our support systems continue running smoothly, providing comfort and quality of life for our clients and their support staff.


Phone: 603-924-3326


Thank you for donating to Monadnock Worksource. 


Provide transportation to/from work for one client for 1 week.
Gas for Meals on Wheels deliveries to home bound elderly for 1 week.
Covers one month of our 24/7 on-call phone for client emergencies.
Provides meal preparation classes for 2 weeks.
Provides one client with a monthly recreational activity for a year
Provides one client job site support for a year, working one hour a week
• Consider employing a person with a disability at your place of business. Even a few hours a week of meaningful employment can be life-changing for someone we serve.

• Consider finding a volunteer opportunity for a person with a disability, affording them the opportunity to contribute to others in need.

Monadnock Worksource is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.  Your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes; please consult with your tax adviser.

© Monadnock Worksource

Phone: 603-924-3326

Fax: 603-924-3328




Vose Farm Business Center

9 Vose Farm Road

Suite 150

Peterborough, NH 03458

Mailing Address:

PO Box 28

Peterborough, NH 03458

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